Python APT C++ API

The C++ API provides functions to create Python objects from C++ objects and to retrieve the C++ object stored in the Python object. An object may have another Python object as its owner and keeps its owner alive for its lifetime. Some objects require an owner of a specific type, while others require none. Refer to the sections below for details.

The C++ API names use the name of the class in apt_pkg and are prefixed with Py. For each supported class, there is a _Type object, a _Check() function, a _CheckExact() function, a _FromCpp() and a _ToCpp() function.

Added in version 0.7.100.

Acquire (pkgAcquire)

PyTypeObject PyAcquire_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.Acquire objects.

int PyAcquire_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Acquire object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyAcquire_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Acquire object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyAcquire_FromCpp(pkgAcquire *acquire, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.Acquire object from the pkgAcquire pointer given by the parameter acquire. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by acquire will be deleted when the refcount of the return value reaches 0.

pkgAcquire *PyAcquire_ToCpp(PyObject *acquire)

Return the pkgAcquire pointer contained in the Python object acquire.

AcquireFile (pkgAcqFile)

PyTypeObject PyAcquireFile_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.AcquireFile objects.

int PyAcquireFile_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.AcquireFile object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyAcquireFile_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.AcquireFile object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyAcquireFile_FromCpp(pkgAcqFile *file, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.AcquireFile object from the pkgAcqFile pointer given by the parameter file. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by file will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner should point to a apt_pkg.Acquire object.

pkgAcqFile *PyAcquireFile_ToCpp(PyObject *acquire)

Return the pkgAcqFile pointer contained in the Python object acquire.

AcquireItem (pkgAcquire::Item)

PyTypeObject PyAcquireItem_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.AcquireItem objects.

int PyAcquireItem_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.AcquireItem object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyAcquireItem_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.AcquireItem object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyAcquireItem_FromCpp(pkgAcquire::Item *item, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.AcquireItem object from the pkgAcquire::Item pointer given by the parameter item. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by item will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner should point to a apt_pkg.Acquire object.

pkgAcquire::Item *PyAcquireItem_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgAcquire::Item pointer contained in the Python object object.

AcquireItemDesc (pkgAcquire::ItemDesc)

PyTypeObject PyAcquireItemDesc_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.AcquireItemDesc objects.

int PyAcquireItemDesc_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.AcquireItemDesc object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyAcquireItemDesc_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.AcquireItemDesc object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyAcquireItemDesc_FromCpp(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc *desc, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.AcquireItemDesc object from the pkgAcquire::ItemDesc pointer given by the parameter desc. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by desc will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner should point to a apt_pkg.AcquireItem object.

pkgAcquire::ItemDesc *PyAcquireItemDesc_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgAcquire::ItemDesc pointer contained in the Python object object.

AcquireWorker (pkgAcquire::Worker)

PyTypeObject PyAcquireWorker_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.AcquireWorker objects.

int PyAcquireWorker_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.AcquireWorker object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyAcquireWorker_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.AcquireWorker object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyAcquireWorker_FromCpp(pkgAcquire::Worker *worker, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.AcquireWorker object from the pkgAcquire::Worker pointer given by the parameter worker. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by worker will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner should point to a apt_pkg.Acquire object.

pkgAcquire::Worker *PyAcquireWorker_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgAcquire::Worker pointer contained in the Python object object.

ActionGroup (pkgDepCache::ActionGroup)

PyTypeObject PyActionGroup_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.ActionGroup objects.

int PyActionGroup_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.ActionGroup object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyActionGroup_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.ActionGroup object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyActionGroup_FromCpp(pkgDepCache::ActionGroup *agroup, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.ActionGroup object from the pkgDepCache::ActionGroup pointer given by the parameter agroup. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by agroup will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner should point to a apt_pkg.DepCache object.

pkgDepCache::ActionGroup *PyActionGroup_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgDepCache::ActionGroup pointer contained in the Python object object.

Cache (pkgCache)

PyTypeObject PyCache_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.Cache objects.

int PyCache_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Cache object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyCache_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Cache object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyCache_FromCpp(pkgCache *cache, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.Cache object from the pkgCache pointer given by the parameter cache. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cache will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner shall point to a object of the type PyCacheFile_Type.

pkgCache *PyCache_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgCache pointer contained in the Python object object.

CacheFile (pkgCacheFile)

PyTypeObject PyCacheFile_Type

The type object for CacheFile. This type is internal and not exported to Python anywhere.

int PyCacheFile_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is of the type PyCacheFile_Type or a subclass thereof.

int PyCacheFile_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is of the type PyCacheFile_Type and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyCacheFile_FromCpp(pkgCacheFile *file, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.CacheFile object from the pkgCacheFile pointer given by the parameter file If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by file will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0.

pkgCacheFile *PyCacheFile_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgCacheFile pointer contained in the Python object object.

Cdrom (pkgCdrom)

PyTypeObject PyCdrom_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.Cdrom objects.

int PyCdrom_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Cdrom object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyCdrom_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Cdrom object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyCdrom_FromCpp(pkgCdrom &cdrom, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.Cdrom object from the pkgCdrom reference given by the parameter cdrom. If the parameter delete is true, cdrom will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0.

pkgCdrom &PyCdrom_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgCdrom reference contained in the Python object object.

Configuration (Configuration)

PyTypeObject PyConfiguration_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.Configuration objects.

int PyConfiguration_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Configuration object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyConfiguration_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Configuration object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyConfiguration_FromCpp(Configuration *cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.Configuration object from the Configuration pointer given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner may refer to a parent object (e.g. when exposing a sub tree of a configuration object).

Configuration *PyConfiguration_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the Configuration pointer contained in the Python object object.

DepCache (pkgDepCache)

PyTypeObject PyDepCache_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.DepCache objects.

int PyDepCache_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.DepCache object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyDepCache_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.DepCache object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyDepCache_FromCpp(pkgDepCache *cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.DepCache object from the pkgDepCache pointer given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner must be a PyObject of the type PyCache_Type.

pkgDepCache *PyDepCache_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgDepCache pointer contained in the Python object object.

Dependency (pkgCache::DepIterator)

PyTypeObject PyDependency_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.Dependency objects.

int PyDependency_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Dependency object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyDependency_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Dependency object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyDependency_FromCpp(pkgCache::DepIterator &cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.Dependency object from the pkgCache::DepIterator reference given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner must be a PyObject of the type PyPackage_Type.

pkgCache::DepIterator &PyDependency_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgCache::DepIterator reference contained in the Python object object.

Description (pkgCache::DescIterator)

PyTypeObject PyDescription_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.Description objects.

int PyDescription_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Description object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyDescription_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Description object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyDescription_FromCpp(pkgCache::DescIterator &cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.Description object from the pkgCache::DescIterator reference given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner must be a PyObject of the type PyPackage_Type.

pkgCache::DescIterator &PyDescription_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgCache::DescIterator reference contained in the Python object object.

Group (pkgCache::GrpIterator)

Added in version 0.8.0.

PyTypeObject PyGroup_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.Group objects.

int PyGroup_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Group object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyGroup_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Group object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyGroup_FromCpp(pkgCache::GrpIterator &cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.Group object from the pkgCache::GrpIterator reference given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner should be a PyObject of the type PyCache_Type.

pkgCache::GrpIterator &PyGroup_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgCache::GrpIterator reference contained in the Python object object.

Hashes (Hashes)

PyTypeObject PyHashes_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.Hashes objects.

int PyHashes_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Hashes object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyHashes_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Hashes object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyHashes_FromCpp(Hashes &cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.Hashes object from the Hashes reference given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0.

Hashes &PyHashes_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the Hashes reference contained in the Python object object.

HashString (HashString)

PyTypeObject PyHashString_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.HashString objects.

int PyHashString_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.HashString object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyHashString_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.HashString object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyHashString_FromCpp(HashString *cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.HashString object from the HashString pointer given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0.

HashString *PyHashString_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the HashString pointer contained in the Python object object.

IndexRecords (indexRecords)

PyTypeObject PyIndexRecords_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.IndexRecords objects.

int PyIndexRecords_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.IndexRecords object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyIndexRecords_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.IndexRecords object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyIndexRecords_FromCpp(indexRecords *cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.IndexRecords object from the indexRecords pointer given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0.

indexRecords *PyIndexRecords_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the indexRecords pointer contained in the Python object object.

MetaIndex (metaIndex)

PyTypeObject PyMetaIndex_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.MetaIndex objects.

int PyMetaIndex_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.MetaIndex object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyMetaIndex_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.MetaIndex object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyMetaIndex_FromCpp(metaIndex *cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.MetaIndex object from the metaIndex pointer given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner should be a PyObject of the type PySourceList_Type.

metaIndex *PyMetaIndex_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the metaIndex pointer contained in the Python object object.

Package (pkgCache::PkgIterator)

PyTypeObject PyPackage_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.Package objects.

int PyPackage_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Package object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyPackage_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Package object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyPackage_FromCpp(pkgCache::PkgIterator &cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.Package object from the pkgCache::PkgIterator reference given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner should be a PyObject of the type PyCache_Type.

pkgCache::PkgIterator &PyPackage_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgCache::PkgIterator reference contained in the Python object object.

PackageFile (pkgCache::PkgFileIterator)

PyTypeObject PyPackageFile_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.PackageFile objects.

int PyPackageFile_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.PackageFile object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyPackageFile_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.PackageFile object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyPackageFile_FromCpp(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator &cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.PackageFile object from the pkgCache::PkgFileIterator reference given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner should be a PyObject of the type PyCache_Type.

pkgCache::PkgFileIterator &PyPackageFile_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgCache::PkgFileIterator reference contained in the Python object object.

IndexFile (pkgIndexFile)

PyTypeObject PyIndexFile_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.IndexFile objects.

int PyIndexFile_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.IndexFile object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyIndexFile_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.IndexFile object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyIndexFile_FromCpp(pkgIndexFile *cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.IndexFile object from the pkgIndexFile pointer given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner should be a PyObject of the type PyMetaIndex_Type.

pkgIndexFile *PyIndexFile_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgIndexFile pointer contained in the Python object object.

OrderList (pkgOrderList)

PyTypeObject PyOrderList_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.OrderList objects.

int PyOrderList_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.OrderList object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyOrderList_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.OrderList object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyOrderList_FromCpp(pkgOrderList *cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.OrderList object from the pkgOrderList pointer given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The owner must be a apt_pkg.DepCache object.

pkgOrderList *PyOrderList_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgOrderList pointer contained in the Python object object.

PackageManager (pkgPackageManager)

PyTypeObject PyPackageManager_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.PackageManager objects.

int PyPackageManager_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.PackageManager object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyPackageManager_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.PackageManager object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyPackageManager_FromCpp(pkgPackageManager *cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.PackageManager object from the pkgPackageManager pointer given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0.

pkgPackageManager *PyPackageManager_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgPackageManager pointer contained in the Python object object.

Policy (pkgPolicy)

PyTypeObject PyPolicy_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.Policy objects.

int PyPolicy_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Policy object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyPolicy_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Policy object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyPolicy_FromCpp(pkgPolicy *cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.Policy object from the pkgPolicy pointer given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner must be a PyObject of the type PyCache_Type.

pkgPolicy *PyPolicy_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgPolicy pointer contained in the Python object object.

ProblemResolver (pkgProblemResolver)

PyTypeObject PyProblemResolver_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.ProblemResolver objects.

int PyProblemResolver_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.ProblemResolver object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyProblemResolver_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.ProblemResolver object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyProblemResolver_FromCpp(pkgProblemResolver *cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.ProblemResolver object from the pkgProblemResolver pointer given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner must be a PyObject of the type PyDepCache_Type.

pkgProblemResolver *PyProblemResolver_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgProblemResolver pointer contained in the Python object object.

SourceList (pkgSourceList)

PyTypeObject PySourceList_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.SourceList objects.

int PySourceList_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.SourceList object, or a subclass thereof.

int PySourceList_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.SourceList object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PySourceList_FromCpp(pkgSourceList *cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.SourceList object from the pkgSourceList pointer given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, the object pointed to by cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0.

pkgSourceList *PySourceList_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgSourceList pointer contained in the Python object object.

TagFile (pkgTagFile)

PyTypeObject PyTagFile_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.TagFile objects.

int PyTagFile_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.TagFile object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyTagFile_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.TagFile object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyTagFile_FromCpp(pkgTagFile &cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.TagFile object from the pkgTagFile reference given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner may be any Python object.

pkgTagFile &PyTagFile_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgTagFile reference contained in the Python object object.

TagSection (pkgTagSection)

PyTypeObject PyTagSection_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.TagSection objects.

int PyTagSection_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.TagSection object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyTagSection_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.TagSection object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyTagSection_FromCpp(pkgTagSection &cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.TagSection object from the pkgTagSection reference given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner may be a PyObject of the type PyTagFile_Type.

pkgTagSection &PyTagSection_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgTagSection reference contained in the Python object object.

Version (pkgCache::VerIterator)

PyTypeObject PyVersion_Type

The type object for apt_pkg.Version objects.

int PyVersion_Check(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Version object, or a subclass thereof.

int PyVersion_CheckExact(PyObject *object)

Check that the object object is an apt_pkg.Version object and no subclass thereof.

PyObject *PyVersion_FromCpp(pkgCache::VerIterator &cpp, bool delete, PyObject *owner)

Create a new apt_pkg.Version object from the pkgCache::VerIterator reference given by the parameter cpp. If the parameter delete is true, cpp will be deleted when the reference count of the returned object reaches 0. The parameter owner must be a PyObject of the type PyPackage_Type.

pkgCache::VerIterator &PyVersion_ToCpp(PyObject *object)

Return the pkgCache::VerIterator reference contained in the Python object object.